Tuesday, November 6, 2007

the smoko thing

I agree with what Tina said. i know its old news, but you know me i can't let it go till i get my 5cents out there! Here's the link for Tina's post
here's the link for the news story

A YEAR 10 student has been given permission to take cigarette breaks while at school because her doctor says she is clinically addicted to nicotine. Tara Lewis, 16, who smokes as much as a packet a day, is allowed to smoke between classes to relieve the "stress'' of her Year 10 studies.
1) All smokers are actually drug addicts!
2) The news article said she was cranky if she missed her cigarettes! yes because her body is craving nicotine!
3) She is under age, whoever is supplying her habit should be fined!
4) She is only 16 and still considered a 'minor', her parents and school should get a talking to for not acting in her best interest!
5) Allowing her to be above the law and smoking just coz she is addicted may lead her to think she can do other unlawful things and get away with it
6) Truly smoking should be banned fullstop! Smoking is not safer than ecstasy, GHB, speed, heroin! Its just as bad!!!! (the only reason it isn't is because they make alot of money in which they donate to government bodies, governments may or may not receive a $$ from taxes on cigarettes)
7) surely the 16 year old should quit so she can think! I remember my 1st 1/2 of a cigarettes (a menthol) i came back to class and my head was spinning. (i would have been 18) i couldn't focus at all. so if the focus is to keep her in school, then shouldn't it be for good grades and not poor ones? i can look back at it now and see the trouble makers and usual smokers at my school were not the ones gettin awards and high grades!
8) she should accept that its ok to be stressed and cranky (smoking for stress relief) and that she shouldn't try to fix her problems with cigarettes.
Tara's mother said she had started rewarding Tara with just six cigarettes a day if she did chores and behaved at school.

"It's not like I want my kid to smoke. I've done everything to get her to stop it, so if I can control it and say 'when you can have a cigarette, you do chores', that might help.

I'm sorry but all i can think of is the bad side of this, so often you hear about desperate drug addicts that prostitute themselves for the drug. I know the mother is trying to get her to stop by using the 'oh u can have one, AFTER YOU CLEAN YOUR ROOM' tactic that alot of parents use (however not for cigarettes) but seriously!!
sure quitting is a absolute bitch-of-a-time for anyone! but IT can be done... its an awful addiction for anyone... let alone a 16year old or any child still developing! or for anyone still living! HA!

1 comment:

maria said...

The comment I left on Tina's blog pretty much said that I didn't agree with making exceptions at school and allowing a student to smoke because they were addicted. Can't agree... nup. I'm with you.