I did some investigating on the old cadbury and new the cadbury.
I can tell you that the new cadbury family blocks of chocolate with more added vegetable fat come in harder card boxes. Instead of the old paper wrapping. (which i still think is better.. made of less tree, takes less space in the recycling bin)
I can tell you that old cadbury did have vegetable fat in the ingrediants but it was listed as 5th ingrediant after milk solids, sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa -something, *vegetable fat
the new family blocks of chocolate it is listed as the 3rd ingrediant milk solids, sugar, *vegetable fat.
However the amount of milk chocolate solids is both the same 70%?. i think i was looking at Cadbury almonds & cadbury desserts creme brulee..
I can tell you that coles has cadbury on special this week (2 for $6), as does woolworths ($3.49?) and k-mart has only the old family blocks for $3.20. (whatever the instore stock is) K-mart the new and less chocolate family blocks you will pay up $4.00.
The desserts old range was 235g and is now 200g. The Norm family blocks was 250g and now 220-210 depending on plain vs almond etc? (i think)
I can tell you that its not just the purple wrapping/now boxed family blocks that are suffering the downsizing-yet-price-the-same. Cadbury's range of Old Gold chocolate is also affected.
I can also tell you that Lindt chocolate has no vegetable fat whatsoever that i could see!!!! :)
Cadbury argue that the tasters said the fat improved the flavour and made it easier to bite (i didnt think we were a nation of denture wearers) It does make it easier to snap off a piece from the block. However when i did so to the berry panacotta from their deserts range i ended up with 2 pieces.. i had the bottom layer square of choc with the filling and the top shell.. something that hasn't happened before.. might just be me but it screams "CHEAP!!!!" to me!
With cadbury now being easier to snap off, bite or what have you... i am wondering of the party game used at parties, classrooms, youth etc. The game where you roll a die and then you can chop using a knife and fork only those pieces off one at a time. For older teens a 30sec time limit is given or so and no matter what you roll you will always get one piece!
Also i have to think... you add more fat to a block of chocolate.. surely that ups the fat content and people would less likely buy it? hmmm
and the fact that we have long hot insufferable summers!! Climate change people would argue, that with the increase of temperatures. Not to mention the on-going above average heat waves during summer etc. That Australia would have one of the hardest chocolate family blocks to combat the heat!
The berry panacotta Cadbury dessert family block was uber sweet. More sugar than berry... but was expected after trying what they considered "tiramisu" & "creme brulee". Both girls loved it. Was addictive... not sure i'd buy it again honestly.. so full of sugar, melted quickly when held (at norm body temp. its pretty cold at the moment)
To me,paul,mum we think it tastes the same.....
why change the recipe?
if it aint broke why fix it?
When we went to Gold Class we naughty-naughty smuggled in some Cadbury chocolate. We did choose something from their 'menu' being the Clinkers (J's purchase) and a small popcorn (my purchase). But this new Cadbury's had me curious so we made a pitstop at a 7/11 and got two 100gram or 150gram blocks? For $4 or $3.50, something like that. One was plain dairy milk and the other was Caramello.
Before heading to the movies, we on purpose sat in the car and tasted the chocolate first because we were all curious about this extra vegetable fat. We couldn't really discern any difference in flavour.
However there is a difference in the texture and obviously the size of the blocks and individual squares too..but more on that in a minute.
I for one am not happy with extra vegetable fat being added. If it appears higher up in the list of ingredients, that means there has to be more fat in each block?
Extra fat generally improves flavour and I didn't detect an improvement -as I said we didn't notice a flavour change.
But hubby and I are not happy with the change in size of the individual squares of chocolate. They are larger more 'oval/rounded' squares now. And just too soft.
As I tried to portion-out chocky to my family it just kept breaking into fragmented pieces of all sizes. The filled-chocolate being the worst. The caramello pieces just 'crushed' into my hands rather than 'snapped' and I had sticky caramel on my fingers and as I looked at the rubble in the palm of my hand I wondered how to evenly divide it between the three of us. I also wondered if I had any spare napkins in my handbag! Moist towelettes would have been more appropriate.
The shape of each square of chocolate is important as well as the texture (hardness) of it. I think these elements in the new Cadbury's have been ruined.
I didn't think Cadbury's was 'broken' so why did they fix it? I don't like the new packaging either. Think of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Think of the kids eagerly unwrapping the Wonka bars looking for the golden ticket. They didn't open a cardboard box.. it was paper, paper, paper! Will they be getting rid of the foil next? Cadbury's might be coming in sealed foil/plastic pouches soon, like Arnotts Shapes?
Thanks for the heads-up on the Berry Panacotta. Sounds like I wouldn't enjoy it. We bought a 'Whip' bar from church yesterday with peeps telling us it was better than a Mars Bar. (I'd long forgotten the taste of it). But J and I found it too sickly sweet and decided Mars Bars were better.
I would like to add that since the Gold Class chocky experience, I bought a 'family' block of plain Cadbury Dairy Milk & it's just not right. It's sweeter than I remember Cadbury's to be and even freezing the chocolate so it isn't so soft.. doesn't rectify the texture issue. As soon as the frozen chocolate touches your hand.. you can feel the sticky softness..already in a super hurry to melt.
I'll be sticking with Lindt chocolate and also You'll Love Coles Belgian Chocolate if I want blocks of milk chocolate. Swiss or Belgian in other words.
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