Girls had chocolate licks (melted chocolate and a dippy like spoon). Maria had a italian dark chocolate? i had a jave dark chocolate drink? and we both shared a chocolate & cinnamon babka with our girls.
Thank you Maria for you gift! I got this pretty oriental fan! (will upload laters)
Did some great shopping, got pocky, lots of boxes! 2 bitter cocoa truffles from patchi, a book of selected poems of Robert burns (for DH), a AFL bulldogs scarf (for DH), the 2nd manga in the rozen maiden series (FOR ME!), 4 candles from bayliss which were on clearance for $1 each! pretty white ones, magnolia scented (tho they dont smell much) for the bathroom. (i like candle-lit showers! especially good when i have a headache!) trying to think what else i got?.. hmm.. ah well, it was a great trip!
this is the big tourist attraction in the building (another old building)
It was awesome seeing shops in melbourne that i'd only ever seen in magazines e.g witchery, seafolly, calvin kleins... i didnt know sushi sushi was a chain sushi joint, i only noticed today that, its the sushi joint in our local shopping centre!
Been busy... really going to have to plan my days and what i need to do. As i have been playing to many video games lately. I've also had a odd week, its very rare i spend all day waiting for a plumber! (and not be able to get shopping, laundry done..)
I haven't done any exercise dvd's all week and i havent bothered to do any crunches either (which i did last week instead of the dvds)
and if i continue to do nothing i will keep this 'preggy' belly which i have kept for 4 yrs! argh!
Your slideshow format is brilliant Tiffany!! You can see all the photo's in 'birdseye view' format..and it makes us look soooo indulgent. Challenge? What challenge? Lits? I was back on track today - so it makes me appreciate "caution to the wind" days so much more. My drink was indeed a thick, Italian hot chocolate (dark) which was made with a dash of vanilla cream.
I'm sorry my friend that your week has had you a bit out of sorts. Waiting for tradespeople is terrible..and keeps you house bound.. I hate it. I will pray for balance in your life (right portions of video games, exercise vids, outdoor errands, responsibilities & chocolate)! I don't think you have a preggy belly - you're not top heavy like me. Jenna just said to me you're very pretty.. and you are. You have this 60's go-go dancer, long eyelashes, movie-star 'stunner' look about you!
Amazing pictures - wow.
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