But happened was i was still waiting for the plumber to arrive at 4pm! I got a stroke of genius (after maria called) They had called me on my mobile to arrange this time and i just had to look up the number from my recieved calls list (pray it wasnt a private line as the number doesn't show) and so i did that called up and politely asked if i had the day & time correct as the plumber hadn't arrived... the lady was very nice and i kept getting put back on hold and off as she talked to someone (obviously talking to the plumber on a diff phone) i had, had enough waiting around i was happy to change it to another day.. but she insisted that the plumber was still in the area and he would be 30-45mins away.. oh joy.. the plumber came around 5pm and left around 6pm (it was a easy job of putting new washers on the bathroom taps and changing something in the toilet so it would stop running, jobs i could do myself i could be bothered to learn how)
meanwhile DH came home and figured why i was in a foul mood. Then came the art called 'dinner'.. truly dinner is a art form.. getting it done, getting it right.. bleh! sausages on bread was the plan.. only i had no bread, walked to the corner shop and they had no bread?!!! argh! so i got flour.. thinking i can make bread.. or something.. but to make bread would take a few hours.. i didnt have that time.. so then i thought.. i can cook the sausages for dinner tomorrow and have the nachos for dinner tonight! yay! i am saved! thank you brain! That will teach me for not planning the meals.. i really need to get back into the habbit of doing that!
So today has been busy.. Been out shopping, had lunch, found presents then remembered ive got milk and meat and how long have i been walking around? had better get back home and put them in the fridge!
Got home, and im pretty sure i got the wrong size underpants for Tia, perhaps she will fit into them in 1-2yrs time.. or maybe they just look big? I wrote a letter to my former emplyers/doctors/workmates from the doctors saying we had moved to melb, DH was working doing something he loves, getting paid heaps (rub it in their noses, since they didnt believe it would EVER happen) all very polite.. and then it got to the bit of what i am or have been doing in my life.. and like usual i was uhh... oh crap! 'still a stay at home mum, pretty busy not sure what to do next' is what i wrote! I have been thinking of studying but my <3 isn't in it yet.. (i had to send a request for our medical records to be sent to our new doctor, so i thought i'd write a letter and not be complete snob) Thats done and mailed..
Also had to grab some cordial and bread from the corner shop as i had forgotten to get them at the shop. Did a load of laundry down the road.. thought about going to the arcade (for DDR) but by the time i had hung up everything and changed it was 4.30pm, bit too late..
Im trying a new daily moisturizer.. i couldnt go past it for $11, i couldnt resist the save $11! when the garnier ones were $11 save $4! so i think its working, considering the past week i've been up til midnight-2am and the rings under my eyes are looking better. HA! i've just been really into my book or video games lately!
Bleh! today i had kfc (which made me feel quite ill! half the reason i decided to go home from shopping without everything i needed) and now hubby wants to take me out to dinner, nothing to fancy apparently.. he said 'maccas is ok if u like', i dont consider having dinner at maccas a date! but it shall do.. and its across the road from DDR and hopefully thats still open! *cross fingers* YAY!!! So today foodwise is a huge blow-out.. i had better behave the next 2 days so i can eat tons of chocolate without feeling guilty doing so on friday in the city!
so thats what i've been up to, hope ur all taking care of yourselves.
@Tina. i think i remember u freeze milk, i was wondering if the milk expands heaps that u might have to empty some of it? or can u just put it straight into the freezer with the lid on and everything?
@maria. got the 3 frames working.. altho they lost their colours.. think i can retrieve ur widgets..
Ohh grrr! I hate waiting around like that, I wonder if he was going to show up if you hadn't called?
BTW, I freeze my milk too, I just tip a little bit out of it(umm maybe a quarter of a cup?) and it doesn't expand too much. Which reminds me I need to take out a bottle to defrost! lol.
I don't take any out of the bottles before freezing them and I've never had any problems with exploding milk! I do have them standing up in my deep freezer so I don't know if that makes a difference?
Grrrrr @ the tradesman not turning up on time! What is it with tradesman...it must be some kind of unwritten code that they have about making appts and not turning up or turning up hours (OR DAYS later!!
Here I am asking about your week today..and it's all here on your blog!! I don't know why I didn't get to blogs earlier this week.. I was obviously doing other things! But here I am! Catching up with your week! :-)
I pasted the code you sent me via email in a test blog and it wouldn't accept it. How frustrating. It said the code wasn't correct.. incomplete.. you know..usual excuse from blogger. I am so grateful for the time you have put into trying to help me. I will try the copy/paste again soon.. maybe it's just a system glitch? I don't know...
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