Am i very behind in doing this? yes and i got reminded bout it today. i was tagged by Maria and reminded by Emmas blog. apologies for being uber-lazy.
1. I havent yet found anything i am allergic too.. altho i choose to be 'allergic' to seafood so people wont bug me to eat it.. im strongly against eating seafood..bleh (i cannot stand the texture of fish)
2. weve been sleeping on a inflatable mattress.. as our bed is still at mums with the rest of our stuff. ho-hum. its not too bad actually... lol
3. i hate when my neighbors decide to take their wheelie/trash bins down the noisy bumpy driveway at 3AM. NOT COOL PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!
4. im suckered in by good advertising or marketing.. (just not the people at the shops who want to stop me and get my phone number and put me into a 'free' competition or lather some hand creme on my hands with the same hands they did with 20 other people.. or who want me to get another credit card.
5. i currently own 2 pairs of shoes. cant remember if i threw out the others or if they are at mums.

6. the most south in australia i have been is frankston/Melbourne (previously was Cooma) the most north i have been is cairns! the most inland or west i have been is jerry plains nsw.
7. i have a fear of hairdressers!! (combined i guess with trusting them with my hair and then what they will charge with long hair! *dies*) i have not been to a hairdresser salon for 10yrs! i did win a makeover and the hairdresser was a friend of mine (and it wasnt done in a salon) i can do most of it myself anyways for a fraction of the cost!
These random facts appeared as a result of being 'tagged' by a lady named Maria! So now it's my job to tag others and get them to participate in this challenge. Here are the rules:
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
Consider yourself tagged if your reading this and you havent done it before.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
Looks like we have a few things in common.
I hate fish too.
And it has taken me my whole life to trust my current hair dresser. I would drive several hours if he decided to move to a different city! He's the only one for me! Ha.
Take care.
I know, I know..I sometimes carry on about seafood..and sushi in particular.. you'll have to bear with me when I do! :-)
The shoes I have are all from the op-shop actually.. no new one's.
Re: hairdressers. I hate shopping for one. I found one who does a great job..then she had a baby and cut hair in her home and I went to her twice I think at home..and then when I rang for another trim in late May.. she said "not doing hair and the baby-thing at the same time anymore.. can't cope".. So waaaahh.. Last trim I had was at 'Just Cuts' or whatever it is..the 'no appointment' place at a local shopping mall. I wish I had someone give me $200 to spend on my hair for a great cut and foils or something like that!! I'd love a new look and it's a definite plan when I lose more weight.. without a doubt. I'd do it now.. but I have other financial priorities..but when I lose more weight (like get into the 90's!!).. or something like that..I'll definitely plan a makeover with my head.
Anyway.. I'm sorry it took me this long to answer to your tag response.. I didn't know you replied! Thank you for the sushi pic..even if it is Nemo (I don't care, I'm sure he's yum).
My email addy is: travel32@hotmail.com
Email me any time you want btw.
Thanks for offering 'Africa'!!
Cheers 'n love,
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