I got off my butt, ignored every anti-social bone in my body and went to the community centre and booked Tia in for her first childcare session (thats what its called) for next thursday. 9.30am til 2.30pm for under $20! need to remember her Immunization papers! (better write that down somewhere) and we get to go shopping for a lunch box and drink bottle! YAY!
i think im going to miss her more, then she will miss me!
i have to accept that shes growing up! i have to accept that she wants to play with kids and talk to other little kids, hopefully then she wont be making 'friends' out shopping and then being distraught in that i've finished looking at clothes and now i want to leave..
**update Tia left her afternoon teletubbies tv program to sit on her bed with her head between her knees. So i put her to bed, she was up til 10pm last night and she didnt sleep in this morning, so maybe thats it.. **
Im praying Tia doesnt have some sort of projectile vomit bug.. i hate cleaning up vomit! lol!
Now playing: Micheal Buble - Spider-man Theme
via FoxyTunes
That cheeseburger has just gone on my Xmas wish list :)
OMG... that cheeseburger is off!!! Hope that Tia is ok.. very worrying when little babes get crook!
They have a record of 25 patties! (no lie)
Ooh, I do hope your little girl perks up and is her usual self again soon! Keep us updated.
I went through the same thing with Jenna, my girl and daycare when I looked for fulltime work when she was about 2.. for about a year or so. Being an only child, the social interaction was very good for her.
She spent her kindergarten year at daycare while I studied fulltime too which worked out beautifully as I could stay back after school and use their computers for homework and assignments (I didn't have one at home then) and the latest I could pick Jenna up was 6pm. Often I'd get her at that time..and then we'd walk to the supermarket (no car)..and walk home in the dark.. and it'd be around 7.30pm.. I felt so old and lonely sometimes..but we were a great team and she was my angel and my strength.
Kindergarten age kids had a kindy teacher come some mornings of the week at 10am and they would have proper kinder for two or three hours. I also had a parent/teacher interview and a 'kindy report' at the end of each term. My girl was well looked after.. she had a lovely 2 course hot lunch each day and two good snacks too.
That daycare centre ended up being the exact location of our current church (which is up the ramp).. and the church owns the centre! We had no affiliations with it then and had no idea that the director and her secretary were members of the church (the Director is a good friend now and came to my wedding)... oh but I digress!
I could go about 1/5 of that cheeseburger right now.. and if anyone doesn't want their pickles, I'll have them.
Good for you for having blow day Friday. I started my journey with blowing it on Saturdays. Now I just need to find the strength to make sure that Saturday doesn't turn into Saturday, Sunday, and some of Monday! :)
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