According to book two of Aristotle's Rhetoric it is one of the emotions, which is defined as being "helpfulness towards some one in need, not in return for anything, nor for the advantage of the helper himself, but for that of the person helped~ Wikipedia
Being kind makes you feel so good, and when you receive kindness it makes you feel so good! :D i love kindness, dont you?
LITS forum has been great lately! Whoot for us! lol! And ive had a great chance of being a beta tester for Excalibur chronicles (ragnarok game) hopefully i can be of help and find any bugs out there (if there is any)
James has his eye on a new game thats released this friday on the xbox360, bio-shock. i think we downloaded the demo twice 1GIG each time, (first time failed) its a weird shoot em up game, not my type of fun...
Things to do tomorrow: fix my nails, general clean up, supervise Tia cleaning her room, get some milk and learn how to use creative suite..
Thanks for your kind words on my blog. :) It's very much appreciated. Hope you get your to-do list taken care of. Its my day off today - I may not even get out of my PJ's! HA.
I have a sign in my dunny (wooden frame, long rectangle shape) and the picture is of a topiary plant of somesort and it says "No act of kindness is ever wasted". So true. That sign has moved to so many places and different rooms wherever I have been. My challenge these days is to not limit my kindness to those kind to me.. but remain civil and unswerved even if the wrong thing is done to me. You know..the person who pushes infront of you at the deli.. or cuts you off in traffic (the husband that is spiritually blind/deaf and without love & honour for his wife... ok.. getting a bit cat-clawy there.. and personal..sorry!!). I'm so glad that you are blogging more often..and visiting me too! Thanks Tiffany :-)
Geeky woman married to a nerd-man! One 5yr old girl & one girly bub! We <3 jesus family!. Luv cupcakes, art n crafts, bollywood, food & cooking, video games, music, j-rock & pop, anime, foreign films, being a mum. we have 2 Kittens (female to male 4:1) & computers to humans (7:4) or 10:4 if u include xbox 360's.
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from tianmummy tagged with fun. Make your own badge here.
Harvest Moon *DS*
"In Harvest Moon, your a young single adult male. Your on a quest to make your family proud. Build a profitable farm, seasonal crops, ducks, chickens, cows, sheep,a horse, a cat, a dog. With that you have seasons to deal with, ground to turn over, seedlings and plants to water each day (no water restrictions! hahaha) snow storms that keep you inside (usually back to bed) to survey any damage the next day. The products of your animals, milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt, mayo, wool(sheared), yarn. Cows and sheep to make pregnant (potion-a-la-pregnancy) chickens and their eggs go in the hatchery for more chickens." *Read More in my Post linkie here*
The crow was a deep, dark and somewhat brutally depressing movie. While its sweet that a lover "crow" would come back and seek revenge on the absolute abhorrent humans that killed his love (i typed life which would also fit) And i guess that underlying love and passion for the woman he loves is like the only light in this movie. (that and his acts of taking the drugs out of the hooker mum, cleaning up the city and all that). The police dude telling his supervisor the names of the bad guys and the supervisor says "doesn't anyone in your city have real names?" that was a funny bit. The main bad dude and his half-sister/lover sister were pretty easy to hate. What i didnt know was that Brandon Lee (who plays the crow) is bruce Lee's son. Both tragic ends for two great actors! *sigh* And i guess that it has that heath ledger, Aaliyah feel to it... when people are at their prime or debut to a higher level of accomplishment and then they are taken away so quickly! Brandon Lee was killed during the shooting of this movie (no pun intended, he was accidently shot)
Thanks for your kind words on my blog. :) It's very much appreciated. Hope you get your to-do list taken care of. Its my day off today - I may not even get out of my PJ's! HA.
I have a sign in my dunny (wooden frame, long rectangle shape) and the picture is of a topiary plant of somesort and it says "No act of kindness is ever wasted". So true. That sign has moved to so many places and different rooms wherever I have been. My challenge these days is to not limit my kindness to those kind to me.. but remain civil and unswerved even if the wrong thing is done to me. You know..the person who pushes infront of you at the deli.. or cuts you off in traffic (the husband that is spiritually blind/deaf and without love & honour for his wife... ok.. getting a bit cat-clawy there.. and personal..sorry!!). I'm so glad that you are blogging more often..and visiting me too! Thanks Tiffany :-)
thanks guys. ^^
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