starts of with disturbing dreams followed by pms, then i cant find my atm card, get pee-ed of hubby(he had my card), treat him bad, pisses him off (which upsets me), go to see him and pick up my card, walk to the shops thinking a good shop will make me feel better, the atm says my pin is wrong and eats my card, have no money so its back home again trying not to burst into tears the whole way home.
on a good note. we ordered our dell box last night. a nice pc, 2.0 dual processor, 3gig ram, 150-300gig hardrive, lcd flatscreen monitor, xp, etc etc a lil graphics card i think 256? geforce. (but we can always upgrade when we have money again.. )costed around 1.3k and considering it comes with the screen i think thats a good deal. and the plus to buying with dell is that:
1) its not a pokey little shop that will close down the next week or year..
2) you pay for good service, they replace anything or come out and fix it. how good is that!
3) you get to be lazy and have someone else install everything and put it together and deliver it.

1 comment:
HIi there, thanks for visiting my blog.... your blog name made me laugh cos just today I was reading a dude's blog and he described Dust as "just a pile of mud with the water squeezed outta it" ... very funny I thought! Randon stuff makes me laugh obviously!
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