I gathered up all my guts, picked up all our clothes & sheets put em in the 'granny trolley', walked down to the laundromat.. got there, read the instructions at least 20-times and went for it! WOW! GO ME! Tia behaved rather okay, considering we jus stood up and waited..a great result, super happy i didn't have to put in a ton of effort of have that 'wet clothes' smell that makes me sick hanging around in my kitchen (on the curtain rod above the sink, very wet friendly zone & best sun of the whole flat) I am so going back tomorrow! And from now one all $1 coins are sacred! lol!
But I'm so not paying $1 for 6mins for a dryer.. i think i will continue to hang em inside (at least they will dry much quicker than me hand washing them!) i can't help being a tight-arse sometimes. its better for my pocket, better for my laundry & better for the environment and thats how i rationalize it to myself.
Maria i went thru your blog, i found the mini-cupcakes.. but im very interested in your Florentine recipe and i couldn't find it on your blog!
I bought the ww magazine a week ago! And today i finally had time to read it, it even went to the laundry mat and i didn't read it.. tad disappointed, true i got it coz i haven't any ww mags here, and im a big Mcleods daughters fan.. and i was looking for some healthy inspiration articles and good recipes.. but i'm not sure i did find any good recipes (or nothing new) but there was just a few too many lil snippets of repeatable-dud-crap like dairy making ciggies taste bad and articles that look great for males are just advertisements! seriously not worth the $6 (but thats just me)
I think I'm seeing the light in cooking crappy and lazily (as in the end of being lazy)...this is how its been; saturday night was chicken breast on bread, sunday night steak sandwich, monday night i cooked a big chicken stir fry and tuesday we had the other half of it re-heated.
Im looking forward to eating more salad-spring-summer foods! i figure if we eat out less i can feel less guilty by splurging on salad veggies and fruits that cost much more than crappy cheap foods i could easily eat instead (and the result would be not good).
Tv Rant/Rave;
My 5c on Australian Idol. Is this a singing contest or a judges slugging contest?
its 4 judges this year, which is 4 different opinions and 4 people to insult each other.
I must say i actually felt an urge to vote in hope to get 1 person thru! It was mark with his led zeppelin song. Its great tho that from the semi-finals or whatever the 25 are at the moment its straight off with a live band! i remember waaay back when they all sang to the cd-pre-recorded tracks and then there was 'live band' performances which were 'challenges' to the contestants.. (which i thought was really dumb) but its good to see the live band.
(i was watching it last night)
Now playing: Sir Mix A Lot - I Like Big Butts
via FoxyTunes
Hello again! Tiffany I don't know how you've not gone insane hand washing clothes for so long. I did it once on a dreary winter's night (about two loads worth) and my hands were so sore from wringing the clothes out, I rendered them useless for a few days. And it took about a week for the clothes to dry.. it was that cold outside and they dripped too much inside. It was a depressing experience and so after that our coins were sacred too! I'd I'd take a shopping trolley the few hundred metre's to the local laundymat! Real bag-lady sight that was...! You've gotta get a machine! (Me on my soapbox here.. this is where church family would help you)!! My 1st one was given to us.. and then it eventually broke down..but I was then paid some child support arrears..and I immediately spent $750 on a good Simpson frontloader machine (which wrings the clothes out beauuutifully) - and it's the machine I still have now!
My husband needed to get a machine once I left - so prior to me leaving he purchased one on eBay and you know what.. he paid around $70 and it's a beaut machine! Turns out the man in rural Geelong used to have a washing machine shop.. selling 2ndhand machines. Now he just sells them on eBay! He advertised them as 'washers' on eBay so we think that's why he didn't get many bids on the machines..but he continues to sell them. You said you didn't even have a laundry I think? Would you even have space for a machine?
When I read 'WW' magazine I immediately thought of Weight Watchers as I often abbreviate it that way in my blog!
The florentine recipe actually isn't on the blog. I ended up emailing it to a fellow blogger who asked for it and then emailed it again to another friend and blogger 2 days ago.. I shall email it to you too! I took some florentine's up to Melbourne yesterday and it was the 1st time my friend and fellow WW member had tried them. The recipe I have is personally 'tweaked'. I tried my WW leaders version (following the recipe to the letter)..and then a few other versions. I take out the sultana's and honey (I've just done whatever makes them taste good for me).. no extra calories.. probably less. And they're crunchy/chewy.. not chewy/fall apart as the original recipe makes them I feel. The WW cereal or 'muesli' as they call it already has enough fruit in it (Not cheap cereal btw). I have also been adding a dash of coconut essence lately as I love the choc/cherry/coconut combo (that marries so well in a cherry ripe for example..ha!) --
I really liked Ben on Australian Idol last night singing his version of 'Mad World'. I used to think he was a bit weird looking but his version of the song impressed me and I think I applauded in my own lounge room!
Email with recipe to follow! :-)
Remind me of being at Uni and having to go to the laundromat & sit there bored for an hour waiting for it to finish...
Did you ever see the episode of Seinfeld where Kramer puts concrete mix into someone's laundry as a get back? Could be a fun way to liven up the time...
I love wash machines too! HA. I choose to hang alot of my clothes as well - I find the dryers kill my clothes anyways. ;)
ah lol! concrete mix in the laundry.. nah im lucky.. i seem to pick the times when its completely empty or there is only 1 nice smiley old lady.. lol
my towels are should dry today..
thank you so much maria for the recipe! i didnt mind the max world.. he got thru but the rocker matt didnt, what a shame..
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