Another saturday goes bye and i want to go back to the city, back to max brenners cafe.. theres always next saturday.. hahaha..
Thanks Maria for sending my that funny body flex vid, how on earth does someone come up with stuff like that?! very funny!
I thought this was funny.. Jim Carrey..(i dont endorse anything he promotes.. lol! certainly not the curling iron to plump up the lips but a interesting use of washing machines..)
Adventured again to the make-up aisle.. never going back to k-mart, yes they have sales but they never seem to re-stock, look after the testers etc.. its a nightmare when it comes to foundations in whichever form to find that there are no testers or no stock of your colour.. think i

Ohhh that's good stuff. That's vintage Saturday Nite Live. Even my hubby came around the corner to watch it when he heard it on my computer. :)
Thanks for the shout out. I am doing much better today.
Yah..funny video! That very first exercise (flop backwards) made me wince audibly!! Jim Carrey is fresh in my mind since my daughter viewed 'Lemony Snickets' on TV Sunday night.
Will email you about Max's!
Christine's tattoo does look WoW indeed, I agree!
p.s. I agree about KMart.. and yes, I did buy my last foundation there...but not without angst!
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