How was yesterday? Not bad, until i got addicted to rock, paper, scissors on face book and ended up having a polite conversation with a stranger that i was playing rock, paper, scissors with.. and then fessed up when hubby came home.. and today i'm trying to get it out of my system and avoiding it :( and its a struggle.. i love playing alot of mindless games so it seems!
My DH hates me talking online. He gets very jealous! I understand.. i would feel the same way if he was the one going on myspace & facebook & forums, msn or online games as he has this charm and leadership thing that people follow and admire.. *sigh* Im not a huge talker either and he is. He loves when i talk and can't get enough of it and so when i go and talk/chat to someone else he feels jealous and like i dont see him worthy of being talked to or something like that. He understands that i have pretty much no local friends or social network here, he doesnt mind me meeting with people in person and talking to them. (he actually prefers it) so he doesnt mind if i do chat online, just not going overboard with it and spending all my time and words on other people.. so yes Maria, i am going a tad crazy here! ;)
re about the postcard.. i completely forgot u got that one, i googled 'coffee' and i recognized it as the one from the borders shop!
we tried out a local pentecostal (by local i mean, we walked) church, it had maybe 10 people there, they were friendly invited us out to dinner, to their daughters wedding being held there (in such a tiny room!?!) but i'm actually wanting a stable church with a involved hip kids ministry, i'm getting a bit tired of these churches with no kids ministry and i cant get much out of church if im trying to keep tia quiet, still, entertained etc and she could do with the extra socializing! so perhaps a new church this weekend, im not sure...
I laughed when u (maria) mentioned the book 'battlefield for the mind' as i have that book! But guess where it is & i didnt get very far into it before we moved. i also have her weightloss book thats also at mums!
speaking of which, i was expecting DH previous liver scans yesterday from mums place, and got a whole box! Which had my birthday presents and most of my albums and some of my scrapbooking stuff also, (unfortunately i dont think i will do much till i have all my scrapbooking stuff!) fussy aren't i?!
I also baked some protein, psyluim laced custard n cinnamon cupcakes and some protein laced choc chip cookies with almonds. yum i figure i may as well put healthy stuff in them!
[the druggy down the end of the flats was hurling abuse at this guy who was trying to punch him (but very unsuccessful) the guy has a car and he threatened (non-verbally) to run the druggy over using his car.. drove away in a hurry and then the druggy runs after him out on to the road telling him to do it! "your weak, your weak... jus do it!" *sigh* its been quiet here lately and pretty good.. will try to put it out of my mind.. Tia was quite unmoved about it and just kept drawing her princess picture and now she is drawing a cookie! lol! ]
back to my post..
my social outlets are: the occasional nice person at the shopping centre, the occasional nice sales person like at the liquor shop or woolies, the teachers/carers at Tia's childcare centre and the occasional nice mum there, the nice people who live here and oh i call my mum at least every week lately sometimes a few times if i need something, birthdays etc.. and all my online friends, blogging, online gamer friends, my brother on msn, friends i email.. ;)
thanks Maria for your encouraging and uplifting words!
Oh I'm proud of your psyllium-laced cupcakes!!
You're a sweetie for replying to things I say/comments!
I understand hubby's jealousy.. My hubby didn't want me to have a webcam for this reason as he thought it opened up this whole arena of 'live chat'. I have a borrowed one now..but only use it to make my vlogs. (And he took the 'family camera' away from me when I left.. so what option did I have left)? I think I'm much more comfortable recording myself and editing (to suit myself..hehe).. than talking live with someone in a chat situation.
I love the contact with subscribers and people I'm subscribed to at YouTube..some are like friends actually - but I often wonder if my husband had female friends like that online I probably wouldn't like it. He has all of his female friends at work anyway.. being a male nurse he has been surrounded by women for over 20 years.. and I've had to accept that. Doesn't help when you're at a work Christmas party and drunk work colleagues start serenading your hubby infront of you.. as if the song is for him.. giving him "bedroom eyes".. reaching out to clasp hands with him..and later lifting tops up to reveal breasts. I honestly think it was done to spite me. Hubby talks so much about me at work (or used to -don't think he would now) - that people told me "It's always Maria this, Maria that..He's SO in love with you!"..and so it became an inhouse joke "Oh would Maria APPROVE of that?".. I was made out to be some kind of fishwife that controlled her husband. Maybe cos hubby forgot his lunch or 'nurses kit thing' more than once and I'd go in and take it to him..and they'd say things like "Doesn't she have a life?".
I never went into Facebook to create an account. I keep hearing from people (male and female) about their addiction.. and so I'm avoiding it. I have so much anyway to do. And would be happy to do more on my blog (create a post from nothing) than maybe try something new. Also Bible study! If I don't do it.. I really notice the difference in my outlook on things.
What has me a bit "scratching my head" re: Facebook though is I notice everyone are using their full names? I don't like the idea of that. But I guess the point is for people to be able to 'find' you.. like an old school friend if they wanted to? Like on an electoral roll?
I understand the need for good kids ministry. I love my church but have been miffed and tempted to envy other churches kids ministries when I feel our kids ministry has let Jenna down. They have a LIVE band in a big room.. and it's SO loud Jenna has to leave after 10min's sometimes. They have often filled them up on lollies and chips by 12noon and Jenna has a stomach ache.. which I don't like.. it's "free sugar" mostly -especially as rewards for games. They have done some good stuff but I don't like the youth band playing in such a relatively small area and they played "truth or lie" once.. which meant the kids had to at times think of lies and see if the other person could detect if it were a truth or lie. Not good..honing lying skills at church!
Anyway.. that program isn't perfect but I haven't spent any time at all praying about it I think.. so it's time I should do it! New leaders perhaps? I wish I had a heart for it but I don't! If I complained I'm sure some would say there "well why don't YOU put your hand up to do it". I don't have a heart for it.. I just have a child who needs the benefits of it!
Bless ya xox p.s. I've always been curious about "Eat and stay thin" from Joyce Meyer. It always goes for too much on eBay but then I realise.. to help the ministry I should BUY it from them! I'm doing Weight Watchers of course but sometimes scriptures can keep you in line too!
Do your cupcakes (or cookies) have flour in them tiffany? I am after a good guilt free treat. I baked chocolate mudcake (from the book of recipies for the prog I am on) today, but it tasted like a fluffy chocolate omelette. Just not the right texture to be satisying comfort food!
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