<~Breakfast art. LOL! Its a butterfly. Now i know what your saying, a butterfly breakfast for a male?! ;) well i had one too, it was a spur of the moment thing. I think i will challenge myself to make some sort of transformer pancake or bacon & eggs brekkie.. i love mucking about with food. This is the first time i attempted to poach a egg using cling wrap. So in reality its not really poached, more like a boiled egg. Ive never had a poached egg before but hubby says they are very soft, id love to try it one morning where im not trying to get the timing of coffees, bacon, toast and eggs correct so we aren't eating some part of it cold.. lol. To put a egg inside cling wrap, i put the cling wrap over the top of a bowl then smoothed it down inside the bowl (so the egg doesn't just spill off) empty the egg onto the cling wrapped bowl then gather all the edges up twist it and tie it up a bit. Then its cooked in a simmering (i suppose) water not boiling like i had! (it did melt a bit of the cling wrap on the bottom i guess my eggs had cooked enough before it melted and thats why it didn't flop completely!) i will have to try the 100% original vinegar poached eggs version next time.

On another note the challenge starts tomorrow! *time to stop stuffing around.. or rather stuffing myself with crap!* (says me who just polished of some licorice bullets!)
I've made a mental note to catch up on a few blogs, i feel so behind right now.. =D
Update on me: I'm 100%. Im not sure what it was, probably influenza the virus (not just a cold) Theres been a scary influenza going around making alot of lil kids very sick.(not that we know any) :( bless their lil <3's *i somehow just lost what else i had written* i know it wasn't gastroenteritis in english thats 24hr tummy bug with projectile vomit and for that i am thankful! So now we are all great! Thanks for all your kind prayers and thoughts!
last nights dinner, was roasted beef and roasted potatoes.. i got to lazy to cook up carrots and in the end i was greatful that there wasn't anymore on my plate (not that it was stacked up on my plate) i guess my stomach got very full quickly from a big hit of protein. (i think my body was still healing up)

Im counting down my birthday, nothing special (just want to be more aware of it approaching this year and so i don't forget!). i do like birthdays, i grew up with birthdays being the best day of the year besides Christmas! My mum would always bake a cake, there would be a family party (before high school there were the friends-over-birthday-parties) it was a big thing! i was thinking on doing the tourist thing in the city and only today thought of making my birthday list!
tadaa!!!!!!!! surprise, surprise! must be doing something right!
The Cure - Burn (The Crow Soundtrack)
via FoxyTunes
Ahhh - love the breakfast!! Very nice.
I think that I will try the egg thing - sounds like something that my husband would enjoy as well!
Ah, it's an egg... I was wondering why you were serving cream with bacon :)
Hi Tiffany. I popped in here via the LITS site as I saw it was 5 days to your birthday and thought we would be sharing the day on the 8th. But I can now see that the counter is on a different time frame and lucky you get to celebrate your day one day before mine!! LOL.
Hoope you have a wonderful day and good luck on the STS challenge. I am dreading the photo session but will be buying fruit on the way home so I can do it.. How funny - haven't decided on the fruit yet though..
700gram loss?!! Good on you!! Woo-hoo!! Brekky Art.. why not?!! It was lovely! I was impressed by that poached egg. I do the water vinegar thing and it's overrated Tiffany! It can soil a stainless steel pot to the point where you are scrubbing the base for days.
My only concern with the cling wrap is that I've devoured books on hormone health (as I had a very rough 18mths with pre-menopausal symptoms -I'm not believing stress induced as I don't have the symptoms anymore). All the books say "don't heat anything in plastic" -it will muck with your hormones..and eat lots of fibre..it will mop-up excess baddie hormones.. Words to this effect! And I find it's true about the fibre. When my fibre intake gets slack.. I get intensified PMT. When I had a microwave, I would use cling wrap to cover things often.
This flu thing..thank goodness you're better. I know my hubby had something wrong with him once we moved out..and his parents too. Thing is, his Dad has a weak heart and some kind of aneurism that is there permanently that they monitor each year. He is very unwell with this flu right now with suspected pneumonia..so everyone is praying for him. (My mother in law has kept me informed). Glad you are all ok.
Your roast sounded very yum indeed, just the thought of it. You know what? I can cook just about anything.. but a roast. I suck. I really do. It's not my thing!
I will be emailing you later lovely lady. I'm thinking Friday because I get paid on Thursday? More later! :-)
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