(ahem just had to answer the door.. not mormons.. i think 7 day adventists? they offer the watchtower and awake magazine.. i was all smiley and said 'no thankyou but thanks anyways' and they said 'thanks for coming to ur door' um yeah in my pjs on my birthday..)
Went to melbourne central. (id been thru melb central train station and seen a food court on my way out to the city.. i had no idea it was a huuuggge shopping place!)
I met Maria!

Yay! I thought she oozed self confidence! Go chicky.... and so very thoughful! And patient with me being such a city-noob, oh and that we were a bit late coz i missed the 9am train as the time on my mob was 2minutes slower and apparently the train was running on time if not a wee-bit early.. i almost went on the train without buying a ticket for Tia, she is now 4 and now she has to have a ticket
me im a bundle of nervous energy (but then when aren't i?!) even on my birthday im a bundle of nervous energy.. i tried to think of some sort of conversational piece but my brain was either scrambled in awe or blank..
i thought maria was a awesome, brainy conversationalist. Maria gave me a nutrimetics foot balm and foot scrub and a awesome new bible with a fancy cover, never had one with a spunky cover! Thank you sooo much!!!! Its so special ;)
First off was Max Brenners... and yum! Heres the shop bit:

lots of yummy chocolates! & u can buy the hug mug suckatoo and other fancy mugs & powders to make the drinks...

Maria's drink.. suckatoo? i cant remember the spelling.. way to sweet for me!

tia & her $2 dip n lick.. melted chocolate
Looking at steve madden shoes, i saw one pair i liked, tall steep chunky for $229.00 definately out of my budget! (and for most normal people too!!!!!!!!)
Tia loves shoes!

And the pizza was ok.. but i like my pizza to have cheese on it not just a cheese sprinkle was meant to have mozzarella & Parmesan (sp?) Tia wasnt interested in pizza or sitting still, there was this big ottoman and a mirror.. and she loves looking at herself in a mirror.. i think tia was a bit more behaved in that, yes she was not doing the whole 'being good eating out' thing but there was a group there that were heaps rowdy, loud (altho happy) to be cont..

happy birthday...have a great day!!!
Just dropped in to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
I hope you have a wooooooooonderful day! :)
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! Great to hear that you had an awesome day with Maria :) Your drinks look divine!
Happy birthday girl! Super lucky to have met Maria - I enjoy reading her blog too! Those chocolate drinks look just amazing by the way.
I hope, right now, as I write you are back in the CBD as planned with hubby and your princess exploring more in the city?
I was SO relieved to read your post. If you spoke to people who have known me for years (or through church) they will tell you that I'm known for my lack of self esteem and confidence. During this time alone with my girl (living alone), I'm growing in God and I wanted to be chatty with you yesterday because it reflected how I was feeling on the inside to meet you! But I still have the "what does everyone think?" thoughts.. I worry... So, yes, I worried later that I was too much for you!! (As I mentioned in my blog).
You are such a sweet and lovely girl. Had you been uber confident and say opinionated..you would have seen a much more subdued me because I'm not totally comfortable around those types!! I understand that you were a little nervous.. but I know that's not who you really are. I read your blog and you have well thought out opinions and know about stuff that I'm clueless about. I've said it before, I think YOU'RE the brainy one!! I love learning things from you actually.
You were *so kind* to me in your post here and I wanted to thank you!! I hope you don't mind that I described you as 'shy' in my blog (as well as having a sweet demeanour!!).
But your compliments are wonderful and they are what I need as I go forth in this new chapter of my life. Thank you for being a lovely friend. I do hope you have a memorable day today. I look forward to reading all about it (when you get the time.. if you want to share)!!
Bless you, happy birthday! :-D
Looks and sounds like you had a great day with Tia and Maria, it also likes like Tia is going to have expensive tastes in shoes. :) Megan
Happy birthday for the 8th Tiffany.. Yaay a shared birthday buddy. And a shared lover of chocoate-orange I think - Yummmm.
You look like you had an amazing time and there are plenty of weeks left in the challenge yet you know!
Have a great week :)
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