ugh! I hope everyone had a great day today!
It must have been something in the air.. or cabin fever..
Tia has been a right royal pain in the bum. She usually behaves herself, but today she started out silly and it just got worse..
I was developing a headache, went to do laundry and Tia wanted to be silly.. as my load finished Tia announced she needed to go wee. So we hurried off home. (and got there in time)
I was craving hot chips badly and my head was lying to me saying "have the chips, you will feel much better!" so i ordered the chips and walked to the childcare centre got the forms for Tia to start on thursday, went back go the chips walked back the other way to the park

its 4pm, tia is in her pj's with a snack and drink watching one of her strawberry shortcake dvds. And im still waiting for my painkillers to kick in! (but there is now peace here!)
last night i was posting on LITS and i remembered that i hadnt had any water all day (this is around 8-9pm) so i joked about drinking alot of water before bed.. and that waking up at night and walking to the loo would be considered as 'exercise' lol! Well in that case i got alot of exercise last night.. *yawn* ive been sleeping like crap the past 4 days, its been colder (but thats not possible? surely! its the start of spring)

take care!
Oh no! I'm sorry you had a bad day. Today must have been the day for it though, my 3 year old was a little ratbag!
I always seem to drink heaps of water before bed, because I get hungry and hope the water will ward it off. So I get my exercise in the middle of the night too LOL.
Hope tomorrow is a better day for u!
What a little sweetie. Love the chocolate on her face. :)
You really do have a *pretty* girl there Tiffany! I'm so sorry that you had such a bad headache..and things just went from bad to worse.. eerggh! Your photo's are excellent though and I found the schnapps bottles quite funny! You are quite innovative! I hope all goes well with the red tape associated with daycare. How are you feeling now?
all good.. yeah, lol! i thought it was cleaver/funny enough to take a picture of and share, lol!
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