I got a really good night sleep apart from more strange dreams.. bleh.. but thats another post in itself if i can remember it all. 0.o Today after giving lil miss a shower and washing her hair (removing liquid candy) decided i would get her backpack ready for tomorrows childcare visit. But then of course Tia thought she was going to the park or to the childcare and she was happy to leave the house but only with the backpack. So i unloaded it and gave it to her and we got out the door!
Went around looking for shoes, i usually find some really nice almost new shoes at op shops.. but today no luck there was a pair that looked about her size (but she wasnt in the mood to try on shoes) hardly worn on the inside or at the heel but the buckle was somehow all broken so i decided on not getting them..
But it was also half price day at the op shop and i ended up coming home with that lot for $6.30. not bad.. i got dominoes, 2 bday cards with badges, beads, a tambourine, fairy wings, 2 dolls a paper lantern and a glass pyrex bowl and a untouched BH&G's pink lantern (only i got home and got it out of its packet and opened it up as i can't resist paper lanterns!)
Might go back out and have a look at the opshop out near hubbys work as i wanted to find some shoes that look good and that are easy enough for lil miss to put on/off, she has these silly Hi-5 runners/shoes from k-mart that are badly designed and are super tight still after 3 months... wondering if i should do that roald dahl thing where you but a bag of water inside the shoe and put it in the freezer.. but maybe that only works for leather shoes?! i need to basically weaken the elastic somehow...
Did some grocery shopping and walked home *yawn* oh and we had lunch.. i thought id be good and go halves on a ww muffin (they are half the size as normal muffins! and for 3.5pts for such a small thing i think i'd rather go halves in the real thing!) and as i waited i switched it to half a double choc muffin from muffin break and i waited and then decided screw this im going to maccas. Poor kid working at muffin break, 1 kid! And all the myer snobs getting their coffee and muffins..
so i ended up having a cheeseburger, 1/2 a crappy chocolate thickshake and 1/2 a crappy small choc sundae. the chocolate sundae was tasteless and the sundae, well their fudge heater wasnt working so the fudge was thick and messy and i worried about salmonella poisoning as i noticed they were using a normal maccas tray under the machine and it had lots of melted ice cream on it?! what the?!
i remembered the glace cherries today, so i hope to make some florentines b4 going to hubbys work and the op-shop.. *yawn* think tonight will be a early one!
hope you all had a great day!!!
A nice bundle of purchases there. I do wish you all the best finding the shoes you are after. I've been curious about the WW muffins at Muffin Break. My closest M/Break is about 30min's drive away and so I never go. I made a batch of florentines today at last..we've been needing them/craving them. I have no microwave now and so melting chocolate has to be on the stove..and well I ruined it.. and wasted 6 squares of dark chocolate. I forgot about it on the stove! Water went into it too! So I have florentines with no choc on the bottom.. hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to do it! I hope yours turn out lovely and that you like them. I make them crispy-ish..but today's batch I burnt the bases!! Our new unit has an electric oven and the temp's in Fahrenheit - and I used to have gas and celcius.. so it's easy to ruin whatever you are baking if you don't pay attention! :-)
yeah cant take ur eye of chocolate, i do mine straight on the stove i turn on the hotplate put on the pot (nonstick) leave til u can feel the heat (like if u were going to cook a steak, stirfry or pancake) then add chocolate and take off the heat and stir to melt it all. works a charm and doesnt burn!
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