Saturday, April 19, 2008

high pressure sale bullies

Last night, there was a knock at the door.
I opened the door and looked at the person on the other side of the screen door. it was a guy with one of those lanyard badges *which they show u quickly and is tough to read* and a clipboard.. which translates instantly to me as yet another door knocker wanting to change us over to yet another electricity companies. (we dont get avon ladies, foxtel... or anything but electricity companies.. name the company and theyve come and gone..) they also seem to come around the same time of night too, its after 6pm.

The guy instantly confused me by saying he was from victorian electicity, which had me thinking.. ok so perhaps this is some state government thing.. and he asked if i had received a letter informing us of a 7% price hike in our electricity bills? say what? of course i said 'no' (but still dubious, as a rule i never buy anything over the phone or the front door.. i also never decide on anything without hubby okaying it also, which some sales people just dont seem to understand why?) he said 'ok, i'll have to make a note of that'. he then asks to see my last energy bill (yup 100% he is trying to sign me over and talk me into it.. they all ask if they can see our energy bills to show us they have a better rate.. but course he isnt saying that) I say 'no'..

He then rattled off some savings, and cards we would get saving on caltex and woolworth fuel (we dont have a car, not that im going to tell him) i said i wasn't interested. he would reply 'sorry what?' and keep going on.. he understood english perfectly.. and kept talking
i then tried the usual tactics to get rid of him (not waiting for him to finish), "you have a green energy policy" (i have learnt now that every energy company does) darn, they did and he prattled that off too.. i tried the "but we will be moving soon anyways, so no thanks" to which he prattled off the $50 connection fee we would have paid and transfer fees that his company would or wouldnt charge us.. he then says ok, so if u can go get your drivers license *i don't of course go to get it.. i have a nsw 18+ card*, we can send you out a welcome pack... a welcome pack to what? To when have i said 'yes' to anything? I did actually say ' what welcome pack?'
ugh, this has gone on for long enough.. i say again 'sorry, no' giving him to much politeness than he deserves and close the main door.. altho somewhat slowly.. i see his face twist in a way and he laughs as if i've done something wrong? it was the weirdest laugh..

i looked up instantly to see if i could ring up and complain to the company.
hubby came home bout 10mins later and i was pretty upset. *my hormones have not been the same since becoming pregnant* I told him about the guy and he said i did the right thing, and he was a bully sales guy and that he probably laughed oddly because i was too smart for him.. he was trying to get me to sign over, without actually saying that flat out... i had to take hint for hint... or be signed over to a new company possibly without knowing it *especially if i had not asked about green power*
they always claim they are not trying to sell you anything, but thats a straight out lie. They are trying to sell their electricity company to us for our $$...

1 comment:

maria said...

Yes these people get to me too.. to the point where I close the door now within 10 to 15 seconds of them arriving. I've had characters that laugh weirdly at me too like I'm the nutter.. and I've also been told things like "But it doesn't make sense, why wouldn't you save money for your family if I can prove to you that you'll save, it's guaranteed".. and "so you're telling me you choose to pay more and you want to pay more".

They wear you down. Next time you see the clipboard.. it should be "No, sorry, No, sorry"..and then you close the door.. They will try and get their foot in wherever they can. There is something about this (kind of similar) that I was planning to put on my '5' list.