Friday, June 13, 2008

Nori... the loud.. sook..

Nori has been so affectionate lately, the biggest sook!!!! (hint 1)
Nori has been so freaking loud!!!! Normally she would meow/cry if she lost a bead (her fave toys), got stuck inside a cupboard (curiosity to blame) or if someone is outside (and she isnt).. but lately its been almost constant.. constantly making a noise (less so if she is in with Tia, being snuggled against her will) (hint 2)

Last night Nori was going nuts, neither hubby or i wanted to hold her so we put her in her part of the house (the laundry, back door area.. lots of room) and closed the door. This morning she heard i was up and went nuts, the door was opened and she still went nuts.. she was rubbing everything (hint 3), rolling on the floor (hint 4) and hubby came out and all of a sudden she is walking on her low on her back paws (hint 5) with her tail over in a weird way (hint 6) and crying/calling (hint 7)

and i said... OMG SHE IS IN HEAT!!!!!!!!!! (*scores for the never-lived-with-a-cat person in the family*)

(she is still going nuts atm, must have escaped the tia room)

sure enough i googled it, and oh joy! *sarcasm*

she is...

and this will happen every 2-3 weeks?!!!!! oh joy *sarcasm*


Wishing i had the $$ to get her desexed... hubby meanwhile says let her out and she will come back...

yeah.. she will come back.. possibly with cat aids, fleas, worms and pregnant at 5-6months old?! When she is still eating kitten food herself???!!!! (even if she is a 'teenager')

If she did, she would be giving birth 2-3 weeks after my baby is due... (im aware of how good cat mums are but still...I'd be somewhat enforcing that my baby is a higher rank than Nori AND making sure kittens arent being snuck into Tia's room, snuggled with her under blankets or put in socks!!!!!)

I dont want her to have kittens, Hubby wants her to have kittens. If she isnt desexed or isnt pregnant in her life she will possibly get some cancer.. ugh!!!!!!

1 comment:

maria said...

Oh.. I empathise! I just hope you don't get all the male cats of the neighbourhood outside your window. Howwwwling..crying out for a piece of your Nori. I used to have this happen with a desexed female! It made me wonder whether desexing her at 6 months..very young meant that it didn't take effect somehow??? Or the vet stuffed up?

Phoebe (our current cat) hasn't shown any signs of being on heat in the 10 months we've had her.. and we were told she was *bliss* to that. We've not had male cats come here courting her either.

I feel for you.. what a pain.. lol!! It seems too early for her to be on heat.. but obviously not. I'm with you.. I wouldn't want the headache of kittens. Not with your own baby about to be born. Jenna is just *bursting* to experience life with a cute kitten.. wishing that Phoebe could fall pregnant...or even mentally planning a kitten for when Phoebe eventually dies.. rofl!