Last seen: In the kitchen
Crime: Writing down every food/drink thing in the kitchen, organizing dinners for the week, organizing the pantry, fridge and freezer and cleaning the oven.
Reward: how much does organized crime go for these days? (lol!)
Hello Kitty, cute anime/manga based stickers, figures etc, cheap bracelets, art supplies, anything green!
Jamie Oliver, Hiroyuki Sakai,Rokusaburo Michiba, Chen Kenichi Janelle bloom
Haven't seen her but if you find her, please send her my way so she can organise my kitchen!
I've been considering doing the exact samething myself. The freeze is full of meat but I keep buying more because I don't know what's in there. It's the same with the pantry! I think you may have inspired me to do this!!
Hey.. you had lots going on this week!! Maybe you were thinking today "just visit my blog bee-artch"..!!?? Good on you girl for doing this pantry sort-out and meal planning.. to borrow one of your terms. I think it's **Whooot**!!? Yeah?!! Good on you!! :-D
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