I went back to the chocolate shop (when i was re-tracing our steps to get back to the train) and since the trip was a tad rushed in that store (could spend days in melbourne central i think!) rushed due to lil tia needing a toilet break *argh!* wheres the nearest loo scenario.
i went back and got caramel bar which was crappy as but was pretty decent and changed when put in the fridge from chewy to rock hard.. interesting.. and some 'galliano bombs' (the chocolates with the yellow tops in the photo) for hubby.
The groovy thing thats a 'colour in' biscuit! (now wont that warp little tia's mind.. shes crazy for drawing wonder if i will catch her drawing on her food now..)
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
I didnt end up going into the city for my birthday.. for some reason i was quite panicky/nervous/anxiety which makes me feel sick and feeling sick in public (outside the comfort of my home) makes me panicky and anxious.. and its a vicious cycle and i have to talk myself out of it. (so not going to the city was a bit of a relief from the stranger crowds and being 1hr away from home)
So what did i do on my birthday?
i got to pick my fave clothes for hubby to wear and tia.. (insert maniacal laughter)
i made up some 'sakura' pancakes okayokay its really glace cherry pancakes.. but it jus looks pretty..
We all went to the local mall and had gloria jeans coffee.. yumm yes, caffeine will calm my nerves.. (for some reason it does..) then i picked a few shops to go in and look at.... we had a snack and then did some hubby shopping (somehow??!!) looking for a bluetooth headset for his phone and the computer.. what the??!! anyways killing time until the movie started in the afternoon. Hmm i got another silly sim game to occupy-my-time-and-ignore-housework-dinner-family (oops!) Its called Emperor a $10bux cheapie and can run on our current cheapie video card its the china version to cesear (sp?) the roman building game.. basically u build a city, pay wages, collect taxes, harvest wood, ores, build farms, warehouses, trade with other cities, make armies, have crime, firefighters/engineers and fakey gods (handy to offer crap taking up room in warehouse)
and anyways i also got a manga(comic book) rozen maiden.. altho i found it in toys r us and as far as i know or could find they dont sell any and only yesterday i found the reciept and it said 'world of warcraft' and it certainly isnt that.. i think i just bought someones lost property, but im not sure.. weird..
i also got a nice candle from dusk.. can u guess what scent it might be? knowing me? its easy-peasy.. yes i will just see if u can guess.. its from their travel range (if thats any help, its a limited edition they brought back oh and its a pinky/red.. now seriously ive given away too much) certainly cant buy much from that shop! ouch, sure hurts the pocket!
We went and saw the simpsons.. and i forgot the mm's i got on special from woolworths and ive now reminded myself stupidly that they are still in the house.. all 3 kinds, crispy, peanuts and normal.. *hopefully im up so late today, now 1:19am that the fact i have chocolate in the house will be erased when i wake up in the morning!*
I thought the movie 'the simpsons' was great! it was about time! and gosh they really milked all the stuff they couldnt show/do on tv they did in the movie.. lol.. Tia sat thru the whole movie and loved it (i think amazing grace would bore her to tears and drive me to tears coz tia wont behave) besides i wont miss out on anything by getting amazing grace on dvd the partial reason for seeing the simpsons movie was because it was a movie and on the big screen and not on the boring old tv.. i had very low expectations of the film to begin with (much like transformers) but i really got into it and enjoyed it..
ugh.. id better save this as a draft and get some sleep so i can tackle tomorrow...
-ok back-
decided to take a small break from the blogging/internet world for 2 days, i got really miffed at my bank for taking forever to process a payment and then to bounce it back..
Ive been busy instead trying to get 100% completion in the transformers game and its tough... u have to collect 100 energon cubes in each level (theres 4 levels for decepticons and 4 levels for autobots) and in 1 level i have 100 and for 3-4 other levels i have 99! ARGH! so annoying! which works out well due to DH downloading heavy chunky stuff..
Maria: i dont mind at all what u said about me.... ive been shy for as long as i can remember, i usually end up being good friends with those who can 'talk under water' as im pretty good at the 'listening' bit.. lol..
Now playing: Rihanna - Shut Up and Drive
via FoxyTunes
1 comment:
Oh please don't ever tell my husband that term "talking under water".. I've not heard of it before, but he'd use it on me forever! Seriously, I'm not known for talking under water abilities!! Not even holding my breath under water. I'm known for being reserved and quiet!!-(I know I've mentioned it in a previous reply) - but I'm really trying to be my true self and my true self isn't reserved. It also isn't someone who just talks..and makes sure the other person just listens. I'm really interested in what others have to say -hence asking you a number of q's on the day. :-) I did the same thing when I met my husband and he described me as "inquisitive".. well..not really.. I just didn't want any uncomfortable silences and I hoped he'd be prompted to ask me stuff too.. which he didn't.. on that day anyway!
Gaming! Not into it.. but one of my sisters is. And my daughter loves games on the PC and on the PS2. I wish you well with that birthday purchase and those levels you have to conquer :-)
Glad you enjoyed your birthday and those sakura pancakes sounded very interesing. I think a drizzle of 'Ice Magic' chocolate sauce (though it wouldn't harden) would compliment the 'sakura'.. and maybe a sprinkle of toasted shredded coconut? Here is me going for the Cherry Ripe factor.. as with WW Florentine's...!
Glad you enjoyed the Simpson's movie too.. I actually missed the last 5 min's as I went to see it the day after I moved house..and I had text messages coming through from my husband..and I was in such a head space that I didn't ignore them.. so the credits came up..and I was like mega-DOH! Should have ignored the phone!!
Funny you mention you went back to the sweets shop.. When I lost my cardigan (I sent you an email about that).. I had to retrace my steps and found it back at Max Brenner's. I didn't just pick up the cardigan did I? No.. I picked up an individual Chocolate Babka.. with chocolate sauce in a take home container. My girl and I shared it the next day warmed in the oven. Like Brioche. I wanted to try it ever since the 'Babka' episode in Seinfeld when they want chocolate Babka from a Jewish bakery to take to a party and there is only 'cinnamon' left.. and they're disappointed as they really want to impress their hosts! lol (Time to put my snorkel back on...) :-P
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