Saturday, September 29, 2007


Saw this on Tina’s blog

  1. What is your heritage? My background is English (my dad came over when he was 6) & Scottish (my mums side were Scottish settlers waay back). DH side has just about every European blood possible tho.
  2. What languages do you currently speak? I only speak English, I learnt Japanese in primary school for 2 years and French in high school for 3 years. I know very little Japanese, French, dutch, polish, Spanish, Italian and mandarin.
  3. If you had to pick a different nationality than your own, what would it be? Why? Perhaps English or Japanese. Japanese are usually very skinny with pretty faces that are very photogenic! English coz I love the accent and would love to live there amongst all the history!


maria said...

My hubby has an English background like yourself...but Australian for the last 3 or 4 generations.

Very interesting!!

Great reasons for wanting to be Japanese!! :-)

Unknown said...

Interesting background, Tiffany :) My DH, as you know, is Scottish. His Scottish background goes back to the 1800's!