Saturday, November 17, 2007


Theyv'e figured out how to clone things, but yet the theories are still out on why we yawn, what happens when we yawn and why is it contagious.

"Hypothesized causes of yawning

  1. A means of cooling the brain.[5]
  2. An action used as an unconscious communication of psychological decompression after a state of high alert.
  3. A means of expressing powerful emotions like anger, apathy, apprehension, remorse or boredom. [citation needed]
  4. An excess of carbon dioxide and lack of oxygen in the blood. [1]
  5. A way of displaying (or indicative of) apathy.
  6. Tiredness

A recent hypothesis raised in 2007 by Andrew C. Gallup and Gordon Gallup of the University of Albany states that yawning may be a means to keep the brain cool. Mammalian brains operate best when they are cool. In an experiment, he showed several groups of people videos of other people yawning. When the subjects held heat packs up to their foreheads while viewing the videos, they yawned often. But when they held cold packs up to their foreheads or breathed through their noses (another means of brain cooling), they did not yawn at all. [5] [6]

Another recent hypothesis is that yawning is used for regulation of body temperature."

"The yawn reflex is often described as contagious: if one person yawns, this will cause another person to "sympathetically" yawn.[3][10] Observing another person's yawning face (especially his/her eyes), or even reading about or thinking about yawning, can cause a person to yawn.
You could possibly be yawning from reading this section or looking at these pictures.[3][11] However, only about 55% of people in a given audience will respond to such a stimulus; fewer if only the mouth is shown in a visual stimulus.[12]
The proximate cause for contagious yawning may lie with mirror neurons, i.e. neurons in the frontal cortex of certain vertebrates, which upon being exposed to a stimulus from conspecific (same species) and occasionally interspecific organisms, activates the same regions in the brain.[13] Mirror neurons have been proposed as a driving force for imitation which lies at the root of much human learning, e.g. language acquisition. Yawning may be an offshoot of the same imitative impulse. A 2007 study found that children with autism spectrum disorders, unlike typical children, did not yawn after seeing videos of other people yawning; this supports the claim that contagious yawning is based on the capacity for empathy."

I've been having trouble sleeping lately, i think its due to the all-of-a-sudden summer-like weather. A few hot nights and a few sunny hot days. Today was a yawning day, couldn't stop! perhaps i should have gone for a short walk to get some fresh air, but ive been busy surfing the web, reading blogs and stuck into my book! ;)

I think the santa parade was today in Melbourne? i havent seen any pictures of it in the news or on the web, so perhaps its a bit of a non-event? Even the Melbourne cup parade hardly got any time on the news, no apparently politics, and all the yukky awful stuff that goes on is more important.. bummer

DH is enjoying his work, especially making his databases for his work.. *yawn*
I tried out the nandos hot peri peri sauce and didnt expect it to be quite so hot! but it was! im impressed, now i know not to use so much next time! ;)

So has the summer heat hit your place? how many times have you yawned while reading this post (more than usual hahahaa!)

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